I usually am not a big fan of ready meals, but sometimes, you can opt for cheating on your meals and one such day can be on weekends. While sauntering in Dorabjee's, Camp on Saturday evening, I saw a rack full of attractive Ready Meals. Instantly that caught my attention was Gits Pau Bhaji Ready meal and the mind of a housewife started churning to make this pav bhaji as bread bhaji with left over bread slices. Isn't it a great idea! :)
Number of companies are coming up with the Ready Meals packet. Amongst one is Gits and I prefer it because of the following reasons..
- Fastest Food - Lazy cooks or people who are too hungry to wait for food delivery need to grab one such packet for instant satisfaction to hunger in 2-3 min.
- Camping - Gits uses technology developed by National Food Research Laboratory to withstand extreme conditions, thus can be used for camping.
- Travel - Homesickness can be overcome with the authentic Indian meal on the go.
Also, Gits Ready Meals are shelf stable at room temperature for months. No added flavours, colors, preservatives are the highlights.
Heating: There are two methods with which it can be made...
- Immerse the unopened pouch in boiling water for 3-5 min. Remove, cut, open, stir and serve.
- Empty the contents in a microwavable bowl. Cover and microwave for 1-2 min. Stir and serve.
I was pretty excited to decode my cheat code. As soon as we reached home, I made my dinner in just 3 mins in 2 easy steps.
Open it
Heat it
Serve it
Verdict: It may not taste as good as the one you make at home from scratch or the one which we get at restaurants or food carts but it surely saves your time and efforts. Tastes best with chopped onion and lime juice.
Packet may mention 2 servings but the portion size was enough for one person with good appetite. I am surely gonna try and review other products soon! :)
Packet may mention 2 servings but the portion size was enough for one person with good appetite. I am surely gonna try and review other products soon! :)
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